H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_amatrixRepresentation of a matrix as an array in column-major order
 C_bem2dMain container object for computation of BEM related matrices and vectors
 C_bem3dMain container object for computation of BEM related matrices and vectors
 C_bem3d_oclThis structure contains geometry information for the OpenCL computation aswell as all OpenCL kernels and buffers for transferring work packages between main memory and GPU memory
 C_blockRepresentation of block trees
 C_blockentryAuxiliary structure for hierarchical iterators for a block cluster tree
 C_clusterRepresentation of cluster trees
 C_clusterbasisRepresentation of a cluster basis
 C_clustergeometryRepresentation of a clustergeometry object
 C_clusteroperatorRepresentation of a cluster operator
 C_curve2dRepresentation of a polygon in 2D
 C_dblockDirectional block tree
 C_dclusterDirectional cluster tree
 C_dclusterbasisRepresentation of a directional cluster basis
 C_dclusteroperatorRepresentation of a directional cluster operator
 C_dh2matrixTree structure representing a $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix
 C_diradmdataData for directional admissibility condition
 C_duniformUniform matrices with directional cluster bases
 C_h2matrixRepresentation of $\mathcal{H}^2$-matrices
 C_h2matrixlistList of h2matrix objects
 C_haccumAccumulator for H-matrix products
 C_helmholtz_dataSimple struct that containts the wavevector $\vec \kappa$ and some source point
 C_hmatrixRepresentation of $\mathcal{H}$-matrices
 C_kernelbem2dSubstructure containing callback functions to different types of kernel evaluations
 C_kernelbem3dSubstructure containing callback functions to different types of kernel evaluations
 C_leveldirFamilies of directions for all levels of the cluster tree
 C_listnodeSimple singly linked list to store unsigned inter values
 C_macrosurface3dRepresentation of a parametrized surface
 C_merge_data_nfStruct to store input data for multiple calls to nearfield integration routine
 C_nearfield_argsStruct to store the parameters of the nearfield integration routine
 C_oclStructure that contains basic OpenCL objects for arbitrary computations
 C_op_callbacksStruct of callback functions for different quadrature cases that arise in the nearfield computation
 C_patentryRepresentation of one non-zero entry in a sparsepattern
 C_rkmatrixRepresentation of a low-rank matrix in factorized form $R = A B^*$
 C_singquad1dThis struct collects all type of quadrature formulas needed by the computation of matrix entries within BEM
 C_singquad2dThis struct collects all type of quadrature formulas needed by the computation of matrix entries within BEM
 C_sparsematrixRepresentation of a sparse matrix in compressed row format
 C_sparsepatternRepresentation of the sparsity pattern of a matrix
 C_surface3dRepresentation of a triangle surface mesh
 C_taskSimple representation of a task
 C_taskgroupA collection of tasks for the same callback function
 C_tet3dRepresentation of a three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh
 C_tet3dp1Representation of a trial space with piecewise linear nodal basis functions on a three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh
 C_tet3drefRepresentation of the refinement relationship between two meshes
 C_tet3drt0Representation of a trial space with lowest order Raviart-Thomas basis functions on a three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh
 C_tri2dRepresentation of a two-dimensional triangular mesh
 C_tri2dp1Representation of a trial space with piecewise linear nodal basis functions on a two-dimensional triangular mesh
 C_tri2drefRepresentation of the refinement relationship between two meshes
 C_tri2drt0Representation of a trial space with lowest order Raviart-Thomas basis functions on a two-dimensional triangular mesh
 C_tri_listSimple singly connected list to efficiently store a list of triangles
 C_tridiagReal tridiagonal matrix $T$, represented by vectors containing the diagonal, sub- and superdiagonal
 C_truncblockDescription of basis and weights for one submatrix in the unification algorithm
 C_truncmodeDefine different strategies used by various truncation and compression algorithms for hmatrices and h2matrices
 C_uniformRepresentation of an admissible block for $ \mathcal H^2 $-matrices
 C_vert_listSimple singly connected list to efficiently store a list of vertices