H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
dcluster.h File Reference
#include "settings.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

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Data Structures

struct  _dcluster
 Directional cluster tree. More...
struct  _leveldir
 Families of directions for all levels of the cluster tree. More...


typedef struct _dcluster dcluster
 Directional cluster tree.
typedef dclusterpdcluster
 Pointer to dcluster object.
typedef const dclusterpcdcluster
 Pointer to constant dcluster object.
typedef struct _leveldir leveldir
 Directions for all levels of a directional cluster tree.
typedef leveldirpleveldir
 Pointer to leveldir object.
typedef const leveldirpcleveldir
 Pointer to constant leveldir object.


pdcluster new_dcluster (uint size, uint *idx, uint sons, uint dim)
 Create a new directional cluster. More...
void update_dcluster (pdcluster t)
 Update a directional cluster. More...
void del_dcluster (pdcluster t)
 Delete a directional cluster tree. More...
pleveldir new_leveldir (uint depth, uint dim)
 Create directions for a cluster tree. More...
void del_leveldir (pleveldir ld)
 Delete directions. More...
pdcluster buildfromcluster_dcluster (pccluster t)
 Construct a directional cluster tree. More...
real diam_dcluster (pcdcluster t)
 Compute the diameter of the bounding box of a directional cluster. More...
real dist_dcluster (pcdcluster t, pcdcluster s)
 Compute the distance of the bounding boxes of two directional clusters. More...
real middist_dcluster (pcdcluster t, pcdcluster s)
 Compute the distance of the midpoints of the bounding boxes of two directional clusters. More...
uint finddirection_dcluster (pcdcluster t, real alpha, pcreal d)
 Among the directions associated with a directional cluster, find the one that best matches $\alpha d$. More...
uint getactives_dcluster ()
 Get the number of active dcluster objects. More...
size_t getsize_dcluster (pcdcluster t)
 Compute the storage size of a directional cluster tree. More...
uint getdepth_dcluster (pcdcluster t)
 Compute the depth of a directional cluster tree. More...
uint getalldirections_dcluster (pcdcluster t)
 Compute the number of all directions for all clusters in a directional cluster tree. More...
pleveldir builddirections_box_dcluster (pdcluster t, real eta1)
 Construct set of directions for a directional cluster tree by using a subdivision of an axis-parallel box. More...
uint finddirection_leveldir (pcleveldir ld, uint l, real alpha, pcreal d)
 Find an index best matching $\alpha d$ on a given level of a directional cluster tree. More...

Detailed Description

Steffen Börm