H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
dclusteroperator.h File Reference
#include "dcluster.h"
#include "dclusterbasis.h"
#include "amatrix.h"

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Data Structures

struct  _dclusteroperator
 Representation of a directional cluster operator. More...


typedef struct _dclusteroperator dclusteroperator
 Representation of a directional cluster operator.
typedef dclusteroperatorpdclusteroperator
 Pointer to dclusteroperator object.
typedef const dclusteroperatorpcdclusteroperator
 Pointer to constant dclusteroperator object.


pdclusteroperator init_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co, pcdcluster t)
 Initialize a dclusteroperator object. More...
pdclusteroperator init_leaf_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co, pcdcluster t)
 Initialize a dclusteroperator object for a leaf. More...
void uninit_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co)
 Uninitializes a dclusteroperator object. More...
pdclusteroperator new_dclusteroperator (pcdcluster t)
 Create a new dclusteroperator object. More...
void ref_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator*ptr, pdclusteroperator co)
 Set a pointer to a dclusterbasis object, increase its reference counter, and decrease reference counter of original pointer target. More...
void unref_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co)
 Reduce the reference counter of a dclusteroperator object. More...
pdclusteroperator new_leaf_dclusteroperator (pcdcluster t)
 Creates a new dclusteroperator object for a leaf. More...
void del_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co)
 Delete a dclusteroperator object. More...
uint getactives_dclusteroperator ()
 Get the number of active dclusteroperator objects. More...
void resize_dclusteroperator (pdclusteroperator co, uint krow, uint kcol, uint i)
 Change the number of rows and columns of a directional cluster operator and resize cb->C[i] accordingly. More...
pdclusteroperator build_from_dcluster_dclusteroperator (pcdcluster t)
 Builds a dclusteroperator object matching a dcluster tree. More...
pdclusteroperator build_from_dclusterbasis_dclusteroperator (pcdclusterbasis cb)
 Builds a dclusteroperator object matching a dclusterbasis object. More...
void merge_dclusteropertator (pcdclusteroperator co, pdclusteroperator co2)
 Multiplies the matrices from one directional cluster operator with the corresponding matrices from another one. More...
void print_tree_dclusteroperator (pcdclusteroperator co)
 Print the tree sturcture of a given dclusteroperator object. More...
pdclusteroperatorenumerate_dclusteroperator (pcdcluster t, pdclusteroperator co)
 Enumerates all directional cluster operators according to a directional cluster tree. More...

Detailed Description

Christina Boerst