pdblock | new_dblock (pdcluster rc, pdcluster cc, uint rd, uint cd, uint rsons, uint csons) |
| Create a new directional block. More...
void | update_dblock (pdblock b) |
| Update a directional block. More...
void | del_dblock (pdblock b) |
| Delete a directional block tree. More...
uint | getactives_dblock () |
| Obtain the number of currently active directional blocks. More...
size_t | getsize_dblock (pcdblock b) |
| Compute the storage size of a directional block tree. More...
uint | getdepth_dblock (pcdblock b) |
| Compute the depth of a directional block tree. More...
void | cairodraw_dblock (cairo_t *cr, pcdblock b, int levels) |
| Draw a directional block tree. More...
pdblock | build_dblock (pdcluster rc, pdcluster cc, uint l, bool(*admissible)(pdcluster rc, pdcluster cc, uint l, uint *rd, uint *cd, void *data), void *data) |
| Build a directional block tree. More...
bool | parabolic_admissibility (pdcluster rc, pdcluster cc, uint l, uint *rd, uint *cd, void *data) |
| Parabolic admissibility condition. More...
bool | standard_admissibility (pdcluster rc, pdcluster cc, uint l, uint *rd, uint *cd, void *data) |
| Standard admissibility condition. More...
real | getmaxeta_dblock (pcdblock b) |
| Compute the maximum of and for all admissible blocks. More...
pleveldir | remove_unused_direction (pdblock b, pdcluster t, pleveldir lold) |
| Remove unused directions and set up new leveldir object. More...
pdblock * | enumerate_dblock (pdblock b) |
| Enumerates a directional block tree. More...