H2Lib  3.0
Here is a list of all modules:
 acaThis modules provides different kind of adaptive cross approximation techniques
 amatrixRepresentation of a matrix as an array in column-major order
 avectorRepresentation of a vector as an array
 basicMiscellaneous auxiliary functions and macros
 bem2dThis module contains main algorithms to solve boundary element method problems in 2 dimensional space
 bem3dThis module contains main algorithms to solve boundary element method problems in 3 dimensional space
 blasThis module servers as a wrapper for all calls to BLAS and LAPACK routines
 blockRepresentation of a block tree
 clsettingsFundamental types and macros for OpenCL computations
 clusterRepresentation of a cluster tree
 clusterbasisRepresentation of cluster bases for $\mathcal{H}^2$-matrices
 clustergeometryRepresentation of a cluster geometry object used to build cluster trees
 clusteroperatorRepresentation of cluster operators used to describe weights and transformations of cluster bases
 curve2dRepresentation of a 2D curve by using a polygon
 dblockDirectional block tree
 dclusterDirectional cluster trees
 dclusterbasisDirectional cluster bases for directional $\mathcal{H}^2$-matrices
 dclusteroperatorRepresentation of directional cluster operators used to describe transformations of directional cluster bases
 ddclusterRoutines for Domain Decomposition Clustering
 dh2compressionFunctions for turning an amatrix into an dh2matrix
 duniformUniform matrices with directional cluster bases
 eigensolversSolve symmetric eigenproblems and compute singular value decompositions
 factorizationsTriangular and orthogonal factorizations
 gaussquadConstruction of one-dimensional quadrature rules
 h2arithAlgebraic operations with $ \mathcal H^2$-matrices
 h2compressionFunctions for turning an amatrix, hmatrix or h2matrix into an h2matrix
 h2matrixRepresentation of an $\mathcal{H}^2$-matrix
 h2updateFunctions for computing a low rank update for an h2matrix
 harithAlgebraic operations with hierarchical matrices
 hcoarsenCoarsening of hierarchical matrices
 helmholtzbem3dThis module contains functions to setup and solve boundary integral equations for the Helmholtz problem in 3D
 hmatrixRepresentation of a hierarchical matrix
 krylovIterative solvers of Krylov type
 krylovsolversConvenience functions for solving linear systems by Krylov methods
 laplacebem2dThis module contains functions to setup and solve boundary integral equations for the Laplace operator in 2D
 laplacebem3dThis module contains functions to setup and solve boundary integral equations for the Laplace operator in 3D
 macrosurface3dRepresentation of a surface
 matrixnormsEstimators for spectral norm of difference form differnt types of matrices $A$ and $B$. Approximation of the form $\lVert A-B \rVert_2$ or $\lVert A-B \rVert_2$ with some factorized matrix $B$ or $\lVert I - B^{-1} A \rVert_2$ with some facotized matrix $B$ can be computed
 oclbem3dBEM-Calculations on OpenCL hardware
 openclManagement routines for OpenCL computations via task scheduler
 parametersAsk for parameters
 realavectorRepresentation of a vector as an array for real coefficients
 rkmatrixRepresentation of a low-rank matrix in factorized form $R = A B^*$
 settingsFundamental types and macros
 singquad1dThis module is responsible for standard and singular quadrature scheme that will be applied by bem2d and derived modules such as laplacebem2d
 singquad2dThis module is responsible for standard and singular quadrature scheme that will be applied by bem3d and derived modules such as laplacebem3d
 sparsematrixRepresentation of a sparse matrix in compressed row format
 sparsepatternRepresentation of the sparsity pattern of a matrix
 surface3dRepresentation of a 3D-surface by using a triangle mesh
 tet3dThree-dimensional tetrahedral meshes
 tet3dp1Piecewise linear space with nodal basis functions on a three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh
 tet3drt0Lowest order Raviart-Thomas space on a three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh
 tri2dTwo-dimensional triangular meshes
 tri2drt0Lowest order Raviart-Thomas space on a two-dimensional triangular mesh
 tri2p1Piecewise linear space with nodal basis functions on a two-dimensional triangular mesh
 truncationAuxiliary functions for truncation
 uniformRepresentation of an admissible block for $ \mathcal H^2 $-matrices
 visualizeThis module contains functions to visualize bounding boxes of a given cluster, directional cluster, block, directional block further functions to visualize a given two or three dimensional triangulation or a surface triangulation with freeglut. As well as functions to visualize and animate a computed solution of the Helmholtz equation. On top of this, every window content can be saved as an image ppm or with the additional library libpng as png